Thursday, December 15, 2011

Year-End Review

This phrase usually strikes fear in most people who have worked in the corporate world, but what if we reviewed our REAL LIFE the way we would our job? What did you want to accomplish in 2011? What were you able to achieve? What setbacks did you overcome? What unexpected bounty came your way? Give yourself credit for all the amazing things you did, all the ways you helped others, and the dreams you started working toward. Express gratitude for all the people who helped you get to where you are today. Take some time during this season to congratulate yourself for everything you've done. Stop time for a moment and bask in the joy of having lived through another year of all the wonderful, beautiful, breathtaking, heartbreaking experiences that life offers.

And once you've toasted yourself and enjoyed that warm glow of acomplishment, get started on your list of hopes, dreams, wishes and goals for 2012. Then set the wheels in motion with a lovely ritual on the solstice or new year. Light a candle, make an intention, and let it fly!

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