A Journey
Through the Chakras
at the
Christine Center, Willard, WI
November 15-17, 2013
Join Angela Coffee and Kate Karshna for
the 4th annual Uplift Yoga retreat. Reconnect with old
friends and make new ones during our shared, supportive, and joyfully
inquisitive journey through the chakras. Situated within the
energetics of yoga, Angela and Kate will use techniques of breath
work, asana, meditation, sound, and creation to mindfully guide
participants towards a deepening awareness of the unique wisdom of
body and intuition. During the autumn season of turning inward, our
time together will cultivate loving awareness and gentle kindness
towards mind and body. This retreat is accessible to all body types
and experience levels.
Register by
Oct. 15th for special early bird pricing!
meals are included from Friday supper through brunch on Sunday, and
all yoga classes are included. The final cost will depend on your
lodging type. We encourage shared lodging and will assign you a
roommate if you don't have someone in mind.
is the price breakdown for total weekend cost, per person,
based on lodging:
Hermitage shared - Early Bird :$214 After Sept. 19: $244
Hermitage single - Early Bird: $236 After Sept. 19: $266
Hermitage shared - Early Bird: $244 After Sept. 19: $274
Hermitage single - Early Bird: $294 After Sept. 19: $324
Room shared - Early Bird: $234 After Sept. 19: $264
Room single - Early Bird: $274 After Sept. 19: $304
- Early Bird: $168 After Sept. 19: $198
extra $5 processing fee for credit card payment.
Modern hermitages have heat, bathroom and kitchen, Rustic have either
wood or
heat. There is a restroom/shower/laundry facility for people camping
or staying in the rustic cabins.)
you’d like to participate in this retreat, please send me the
following by Nov. 8th:
- Ranked choice of lodging (Guest Room, Modern Hermitage, or Rustic Hermitage).
- Names of parties who will be sharing lodging.
- Full Payment based on lodging type.
can be mailed to Kate Karshna 730 67th Ave. N.E.,
Fridley, MN 55432 or email me for credit card payment info:
Email upliftyoga@gmail.com
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